A Depth Psychology community and learning resource for your healing and individuation.

The patient can win his own inner security only from the security

of his relationship to the doctor

as a human being.”

— Carl Jung


Harry Venice (LLM, LLB, BA, Barrister-at-Law)


I am Harry Venice and I’m completing my analysis requirements prior to Jungian Analyst training in Zurich.

I am the founder of Jung Depth Psychology: a community helping people learn, heal, and grow together.

I am also an Author, Teacher and Content Creator in the field of Depth Psychology (also known as Jungian or Analytical Psychology).

My content focuses on Carl Jung, Depth Psychology, philosophy and healing. I post content on Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, my podcast and this website.

If you find my content helpful feel free to make a donation and support the site. You can donate by clicking the button below:

Thanks for reading and feel free to reach out to me. Positive feedback and encouragement is always appreciated:
